New Patient Acupuncture Session + Cupping Therapy: $150.00 / 90 minutes
Acupuncture Session: $85.00 / 60 minutes
Cupping Therapy Add-On: $15.00 Enhancement
Acupuncture is a living medicine with a history dating back over 2,500 years that utilizes a system of meridian balancing to restore health, vitality and Qi in the body. Qi is the energy of the body, of the meridians, of food, of the universe. When the body’s energy system is harmonized true healing can occur. In Chinese Medicine, a variety of diagnostic tools are used to create a well-balanced treatment plan. We incorporate a detailed evaluation addressing all of your health concerns along with energy, tongue and pulse diagnosis. After the treatment plan is determined, tiny needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points to balance and regulate the flow of Qi in the body. Acupuncture can address a variety of complaints in one treatment and is considered to be a full body balancing treatment.
Most PPO insurances accepted.
Pain management / stress management/ sports injuries / weight loss / women's health / oncology support/ menopause/ respiratory health / dermatology / addiction / mental health / immune support / auricular medicine / NSEV / PTSD.
Conditions acupuncture treats according to the World Health Organization:
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Tennis Elbow
Knee Pain
Periarthritis of the Shoulder
Facial Pain (including Craniomandibular Disorders)
Dental Pain
Tempromandibular (TMJ) Dysfunction
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Induction of Labor
Correction of Malposition of Fetus (Breech Presentation)
Morning Sickness
Nausea and Vomiting
Postoperative Pain
Essential Hypertension
Primary Hypotension
Renal Colic
Adverse Reactions to Radiation or Chemotherapy
Allergic Rhinitis, including Hay Fever
Biliary Colic
Depression (including Depressive Neurosis and Depression following Stroke)
Acute Bacillary Dysentery
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Acute Epigastralgia
Peptic Ulcer